Top 10 Benefits of Working Remotely

By Isaas Wilson • Oct 20, 2022 UTC
Man sits on porch with headset.

Remote work has revolutionized what many people look for when it comes to their careers. Working remotely comes with a slew of benefits that in-office work simply cannot offer. If you are part of the population that has been avoiding remote work so far, these 10 perks might change your mind.

To start this exercise, I did what most people in the world do when they have questions: I Googled (yes, it’s recognized as a verb by the dictionary) “benefits of remote work” and opened the top 10 articles discussing the benefits of remote workers. I then went through all of them and wrote down how many of them brought up each benefit, and ranked them by number of mentions. As a remote worker, I decided I am qualified to let my preferences break ties.

10. Eco-friendliness

When your commute can be a short walk to your desk instead of a drive to the office, you cut down on pollution. Less traffic means fewer emissions, leading to improved air quality and less pollution. While it is true that just one person changing from in-person to remote work does not make a big impact, the work-from-home movement has enough participants to have a significantly positive environmental influence. Choosing to work from home makes you part of this noble process, and helps us all breathe a little easier.

9. Health

Exercise and a balanced diet are especially important for remote workers, since they tend to be sedentary. Working at home makes it easier to make healthy food choices and gives you more time to exercise. It is also possible to semi-passively slip in exercise throughout the day by using equipment like an exercise band or pull-up bar at your office door. You might also consider a standing desk, which is a healthier alternative to the traditional setup.

Working from home also reduces your exposure to germs. You no longer have to worry about sickness being passed around on public transportation or in the office. This advantage is especially valuable in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

8. Less drama

When workers are not centralized in one location, office politics and drama tend to die out. Conversations are much more intentional in remote environments, because they must be carried out over chats, emails, and calls. This kind of communication also makes problem resolution less intimidating. It is much easier to simply send your boss an email about an issue than it is to sit down across from their desk behind a closed door. Therefore, remote work tends to allow a greater number and variety of new ideas.

7. Personalized workspace

When working from home, you can create your own personalized workspace. You can set the temperature to be as cool or warm as you want, decorate however you want, have as many accessories as you want, and never have to worry about justifying any unconventional preferences. Instead of trying to get comfortable in a mass-produced, off-white cubicle, you get to create a work environment that helps you flourish.

6. Happiness/less stress

Remote workers are generally happier and less stressed than their in-office counterparts. This is partly due to a combination of other factors on this list, but also, when away from the office, you don’t have to put up with the annoyances that come with it. You avoid the stress of commuting, and. You can dress and express yourself however you want.

You also get to enjoy the amenities and comfort of your own home. There’s no need to pack a lunch or contend with fridge bandits; you can snack as you please, and you can use your own appliances and dishes (no more smelly fish in the shared microwave). Away from the kitchen, you get your own private bathroom. Pet lovers also get to enjoy the company of their furry/feathery/scaly companions.

5. Extra money

Commuting can be surprisingly expensive, especially with the higher gas prices of recent times. Driving back and forth between work and home every day also puts a lot of miles on your vehicle, leading to more frequent repairs and a decreased vehicle lifespan. And, if your office is in a busy city, parking may not be free, which can be a huge financial drain.

Commuting and in-office work also encourage drive-through food and drinks much more than working from home does. Restaurant stops do not cost much, but the expenses can quickly add up with frequent visits. When your bedroom is your office and your kitchen is your break room, you are much more likely to eat the less expensive (and healthier) grocery store food instead of taking trips to restaurants.

Remote workers can also save money on clothes. Because work-from-home companies often have a more relaxed culture than in-office companies, remote workers often do not have to buy “business” attire. A presentable shirt usually suffices for video meetings, and the rest of the time you can wear whatever you feel most comfortable in.

4. Working from anywhere

Working remotely does not just mean working from home; you can mix up the location to have more variety in your work life. In addition to your house, you can spend the day at the library, a coffee shop, or anywhere else with free Wi-Fi. If you have an internet hotspot, your options open up even more, allowing you to work in parks and other unconventional locations. There are other choices too, such as coworking spaces, but they may cost money to use. Another great aspect of working from anywhere is that it allows you to make your home wherever you want, be that a beautiful countryside, a region with a particularly low cost of living, or even a roaming RV or van.

Not working in an office also means you can work on the go. If you have to attend to personal tasks, you may be able to make some work progress along the way. A remote arrangement also makes arranging vacations much easier, as you can simply bring your work with you if there is a schedule conflict.

3. Increased productivity

In an office, people can barge into your workspace whenever they want. When you work remotely, they have to send messages or call you. This makes any interruptions less disruptive and less frequent. Micromanagement decreases in a remote environment for the same reason, and a more hands-off style of leadership lets you approach work with the methods that work best for you. When you have peace and quiet, you will probably find that you tend to be more productive.

2. Flexible hours

Many remote jobs support a flexible schedule that allows you to work whenever you want, without mandatory start and end times (aside from scheduled meetings). Performance is judged by outcomes and/or hours worked, not when they work those hours. This lets you schedule your work around your life, not the other way around. You can take breaks (and even naps) whenever you want, and take care of personal tasks when most convenient.

1. Extra time

The best part of working remotely is arguably the time you save. Time is the most valuable resource, and the pursuit of other resources almost always ultimately leads to the gaining of more time. Not having to go to the office means you don’t have to spend your valuable time on a get-ready-to go routine and a commute that can last an hour or more, just for one leg of the trip. This savings usually equates to 1-3 extra hours in the day that can be used for family, friends, hobbies, sleep, relaxation, exercise and anything else you want.


About MakeMyMove

Remote work has freed millions of Americans to live where they want, and many are making the move to places that better match their lifestyle. In turn, cities and towns across the country are offering incentives like cash, perks and programming to remote workers who move and work from their communities. At MakeMyMove, you can explore all the places, get personalized help to find the one that’s right for you, connect with locals, and access support to make your move a piece of cake.

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