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4 months ago

Sandra Shock Wallace

My family is a racially diverse family. My husband is African American by heritage, I am Germa/Jew mixed with Cherokee Indian. What most concerns me in a very real way is the statement that most cities I looked to possibly relocate to, are defined that they are leaning moderately to staunch Right Wing. I have conducted a search and the most of the State support Donald Trump and his Nazi supporting voting regime! I am extremely uncomfortable to uproot my husband and travel 2000 miles away from our home in a rather moderate Democratic environment to move and only subject my husband and myself to ostrization since we are a mixed race couple. I am Caucasian and my Husband is African American. How can I be sure if I accept this offer that we are not going to be ostricized and terrorized especially WHEN he loses the election. I am just realizing that That both Mitch McConnell and that aborrhent human being Rand Paul are both Representing Kentucky. If this is what is going to be...I am withdrawing my application and will continue to apply in a more balance area. It's either that or search for a majority Black neighborhood but from I have researched in Eastern Kentucky there are hardly any of those due to gentrifying areas that were once majority African American. PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND HOW MY BRINGING ALMOST 100K TO THE ECONOMY OF EASTERN TENNESEE WILL IMPRVE MY QUALITY OF LIFE???

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