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2 years ago
“It’s hard not to fall in love with Richmond. There’s so much to offer here. The music, the fun, the parks - we have it all."- Denise Retz, Parks Superintendent
LocationRichmond, IN, USA
Over 22 tons of ice arrives in Richmond to be turned into beautiful sculptures by world renown ice carvers!
The Richmond Meltdown Festival is a fan favorite for residents and visits alike!
Making the most of a snow day
Just one of several beautiful ice sculptures from the Richmond Meltdown Festival!
Over 22 tons of ice arrives in Richmond to be turned into beautiful ice sculptures for the Richmond Meltdown Festival. The event...
Richmond Meltdown Festival is a Favorite of Locals and Visitors Alike
Scenes from the Richmond Meltdown Festival. Weather forecasts predicted warming temperatures and rain, but organizers got a...
12th Annual Richmond Meltdown Festival
Ice carvers descend on Richmond to make amazing pieces of art!
There are so many natural areas in and around Richmond to see wildlife, even in your own backyard!