We'll help you get in touch with Oklahoma's incentive program.
No, that is not a typo. Yes, the State of Oklahoma is rewarding teachers who sign a contract to teach in a critical shortage area in school year 2023-2024 with up to $50,000 in signing bonus.
Eligible teachers are those who have not been teaching in an Oklahoma public school during the 2022-2023 school year. Eligible teachers must meet one of the following criteria:
New to the teaching profession (with less than 3 years of experience) in grades PK-3 or special education PK-12;
Returning certified teachers (previously retired or left the profession) in grades PK-3 or special education PK-12; or
Out-of-state certified teachers in grades PK-3 or special education PK-12
Teachers will receive signing bonuses between $15,000 and $50,000 based on these criteria:
Certified teachers new to the teaching profession
Certified teachers returning to the profession
Certified teachers moving to Oklahoma from out of state
The bonus structure also includes incentives for general education teachers of grades PK-3 and special education teachers of grades PK-12 who commit to teaching in a rural or high-poverty school.
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