Farmington, New Mexico, is central to destinations for all types of outdoor recreation, including fishing, skiing, golf, hunting, water sports, mountain biking, off-roading, and more. Residents here have the luxury of enjoying the outdoors year round without worrying about extreme weather. Love random acts of kindness? The Hustle Kindness movement was started right here in Farmington! This campaign aimed at, well, hustling kindness, quickly gained momentum and garnered...
Internet Speed Rating
2000 Mbps
Closest Airport
Durango (DRO) Airport • 40 mi
Weather (High/Low)
92 / 28
Median Home Value (3BR, 2BA)
Farmington: FUN FACT
Farmington is home to the Connie Mack World Series, where the likes of Ken Griffey Jr., Duane Ward and others began their baseball rise to fame.
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MakeMyMove sources all Cost of Living Data from COLI, published by the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER), without any modification or bias.
COLI data is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNN Money. The data and methodology are described in detail and completely transparent to users, found in the COLI Manual. Both data and methodology are reviewed by an Advisory Board composed of academic researchers and government officials. The Cost of Living Index is referenced in the Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
According to the COLI Manual, composite differences of <4% and categorical differences of <5% are not statistically significant and should not be treated as necessarily accurate.
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