Portage, Indiana, might surprise you as a prime location for remote workers. Located between Gary and Michigan City Indiana, Portage offers a more affordable lifestyle compared to the larger nearby cities like Chicago or Indy. Housing options range from cozy apartments to new developments and established neighborhoods with single-family homes. Raising a family? Portage Township Schools are top-rated, with strong academics, arts and activities to keep your crew well-rounded...
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Portage: FUN FACT
Portage has a history that stretches back further than its official founding in 1959. The area was once home to Native American groups known as "The Mound Builders." These people were responsible for impressive earthen mounds found throughout the region, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site Cahokia located just across the border in Illinois. Unfortunately, Portage's own mounds were destroyed over time, but their presence hints at a rich history long before Portage became a modern city.
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MakeMyMove sources all Cost of Living Data from COLI, published by the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER), without any modification or bias.
COLI data is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNN Money. The data and methodology are described in detail and completely transparent to users, found in the COLI Manual. Both data and methodology are reviewed by an Advisory Board composed of academic researchers and government officials. The Cost of Living Index is referenced in the Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
According to the COLI Manual, composite differences of <4% and categorical differences of <5% are not statistically significant and should not be treated as necessarily accurate.
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